Read the report here


Image restoration is a field that has evolved tremendously, starting from signal processing techniques to modern day neural networks. The advent of big data makes neural networks stronger than ever before, and images are no exception to the influx of data. The latest research has left questions regarding the best way to learn from images to restore others.

It is widely known that old photos converted from film to digital might have experienced some degradation in the process. World War II photos are no exception and properly restoring these images will benefit us in preserving historical documents. I will investigate if using GANs to approach the ‘image inpainting’ problem, where sections of the image are occluded and we have to ‘fill in the blanks’, will give us not only a perceptual improvement in quality but also a quantification of how well the restoration occurred. Goal

Data Collected

In order to understand the data population, I saved 3K images from and categorized them into 3 sections: Pre-War, Mid-War, Late-War


Utilizing a blob detector and using KMeans clustering with two simple features, I found two clusters within the data population. blob_scatter

Here is an example of images from each cluster. blob_detector

The idea is to use images similar WWII images to the degraded image for training then evalute the performance.


We create a mask along the degraded imperfections, we want these areas to be restored. Mask Process


I try to maximize my defined metric from the report. See here: Report

For the first test, we try block inpainting where a center block is inpainted and the

Block Mask Untrained Model

Random Gen

Metric: +6.9027

Block Mask Group Trained Model

Trained Gen

Metric: +11.59994

Now we try selective mask inpainting where we pass a custom mask where the photo imperfections are

Selective Untrained Model

Trained Gen

Metric: +4.3359

Selective Trained Model

Trained Gen

Metric: +12.2342


Through testing varying training groups and mask selections, it is clear that trained models perform better than untrained selections. However, group training gives similar performance to training over entire dataset. The best restoration occurred with the finest mask as the following:


Finer masking techniques assist in producing a better restoration, so localizing the regions is crucial. Training with WWII images seemed to tailor the inpainting in favoring similar color values, leading to better restoration.


Image restoration is critical in preserving historical documents from degradation. In essence, it is crucial for methods to be developed in cases where photos get damaged, corrupted, or acquired poorly. We see that Generative Adversarial Networks have the potential to learn from domain data to improve image restoration. By using training data from the population of images you would like to restore, the network will have better efforts of learning such process. We have also seen that localizing degraded artifacts can improve restoration quality as well.